Friday, August 05, 2005

Mindfulness Books

One of the most prolific writers for both the laymen and for rigorous researchers in the area of mindfulness is Jon Kabat-Zinn. His book Wherever You Go, There You Are is probably the most accessible book on mindfulness in daily life. This book weaves in accessible writing, with poetic prose, and offers practical exercises to try out in your daily life. It is a joy to read and relaxing too. The next trick is...will you take his practical suggestions and truly try them out in your daily life. That is up to you!

If you want to go a bit deeper, Kabat-Zinn has created an 8 week course that he spells out in his earlier book, Full Catastrophe Living. This book gets much more specific into committed practices of meditation, yoga, and body scans over an 8 week period. This book also suggests you buy the CD's that help you along the way. If you can commit to this schedule, this would be a great book for you. Often times most people might need the support of a group or a coach.